Worksheets for Adopting Yourself

Please utilize these worksheets to help you grow and heal and go along with Podcast episodes.

Episode 1: What Does It Mean to Adopt Yourself?

First Steps to Self-Acceptance Worksheet

Step 1: Reflect on Your Current Relationship with Yourself

Take a moment to think about how you view and treat yourself. Use the prompts below to explore your current mindset.

  1. How do you usually talk to yourself?

    • Write down some common thoughts or phrases you say to yourself during:

      • Success:

      • Failure:

      • Challenges:

  2. What beliefs do you hold about yourself?

    • Complete the sentence: “I am…” (e.g., worthy, not good enough, strong, a work in progress).

  3. What emotions come up when you think about accepting yourself as you are?

    • Example: Fear, relief, shame, hope.

Step 2: Identify Barriers to Self-Acceptance

Consider what might be holding you back from fully accepting yourself.

  1. External Influences:

    • Are there societal, cultural, or family expectations that affect how you view yourself?

  2. Internal Criticism:

    • What are the most frequent self-critical thoughts you have?

  3. Fears or Doubts:

    • Are you afraid self-acceptance means giving up on growth or change? Why?

Step 3: Reframe Your Inner Dialogue

Shifting your mindset begins with how you talk to yourself. Practice reframing self-critical thoughts into more compassionate ones.

  1. Identify a self-critical thought:

    • Example: “I’ll never get this right.”

  2. Challenge it:

    • Is this thought absolutely true? What evidence do you have for or against it?

  3. Reframe it:

    • Replace it with a compassionate thought. Example: “I’m learning and growing, and it’s okay to make mistakes.”

Step 4: Practice Self-Compassion

Self-compassion involves treating yourself with kindness, understanding, and patience. Try these exercises:

  1. Write Yourself a Letter:

    • Imagine you’re a close friend giving you advice or support. What would they say about your struggles and strengths?

  2. Affirmations for Self-Acceptance:

    • Choose or create 2-3 affirmations to repeat daily. Examples:

      • “I am worthy of love and respect.”

      • “It’s okay to be a work in progress.”

      • “My imperfections make me human and relatable.”

  3. Acknowledge Your Strengths:

    • List three qualities or skills you appreciate about yourself.

Step 5: Take Small Actions Toward Self-Acceptance

Start building habits that nurture self-acceptance.

  1. Daily Gratitude Practice:

    • Write down one thing you appreciate about yourself each day.

  2. Set Boundaries:

    • Identify one area where you need to set boundaries to protect your well-being (e.g., saying no, limiting negative influences).

  3. Celebrate Small Wins:

    • Note one accomplishment or effort you made today, no matter how small.

Step 6: Reflect and Adjust

Self-acceptance is a journey. Regularly reflect on your progress and be patient with yourself.

  1. What progress have you noticed so far?

    • Are you more aware of your thoughts and feelings?

    • Have you been able to practice more kindness toward yourself?

  2. What’s one area where you still struggle?

    • Brainstorm one actionable step to address this area.

  3. What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself through this process?

Remember: Self-acceptance doesn’t mean you stop growing—it means you embrace who you are while striving to become your best self.

Future Worksheets

Future Worksheets

Adopting Yourself

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